GrowthZone Template

8 AM to 5 PM
Monday to Friday
Driving Directions:
1700 Patterson Blvd in Dayton, Ohio 45409. Serving Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Shelby counties in Ohio.
About Us
FastLane is a team of unbiased manufacturing advisors. We find the right solutions to the most challenging manufacturing problems fast. As a nonprofit, we provide support to small and medium-sized manufacturers to grow sales, create jobs and generate cost savings. Our services include advanced manufacturing technologies, workforce development, continuous improvement, engineering services and business solutions.
In just the last five years, FastLane clients report total economic impacts of $933 million and 5,933 jobs, including $816.9 million in sales and more than $31.5 million in cost savings. FastLane is the west central Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) center, part of the MEP National Network and is located within University of Dayton’s Research Institute.
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